2020 in 36 Photos / H O M E

Blink. Another 365 days have passed. What a freaking year.

It’s wild to look back (2018, 2019) and see how much things have changed, how different things have been and the memories. I cherish this.

I’m learning with this project that challenge and joy will be weaved in every month and every year for as long as I’m lucky enough to walk this earth.

2020 hasn’t been any different. The longest year at times and yet here we are, the end of December. I’m looking toward 2021 with stars in my eyes, hoping that it’s filled to the brim with family.

As we’ve known all along, it’s what’s most important.


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Inhale. Exhale.

Bring on 2021. We’re ready!

The Note I've Kept In My Camera Bag For 738 Days -- Shot Ideas, 365 Project

Do you ever run out of things to photograph?

It’s always the first question I’m asked when someone finds out I’ve taken a photo every single day for the last 738 days.

My answer is always the same.

Nope, I don’t. I never do.

Last week I shared all the FAQs about doing a 365 photography project but I wanted to expand on a question I get asked more than any other.

Never is the honest truth, but I don’t think it would be fair to leave it at that.
In the beginning, I carried this trusty little note and I referenced it a lot.

I wrote it during the middle of a class I was taking with Molly Flanagan called Visual Storytelling. Today I went to my camera bag and dug it out.

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I really had to train myself to look at my subject in different ways. I knew it would get boring real fast if I didn’t stay curious and keep things fresh.

It’s crazy how quick this became intuitive, but at first I used that note daily.

Detail. Wide. Portrait. Medium. Action.


When I approach a subject or a scene, I’m typically drawn to the small details before anything else. Little fingers holding a Duplo, the wet tip of a dog’s nose, the drip of an icicle melting. Details are so important and a great way to shake things up in a 365. You could have a million pictures of your little one but crouching down and taking a picture of just their toes changes the total feel of the photo and when you approach a scene, there’s already a week’s worth of details in just one wide frame shot!


Getting a wide shot was always something I missed in the beginning. I really had to train myself to take a step back and evaluate the whole picture. Now, these are some of my favorite photographs.. especially for a 365 project. There are layers of memories when you shoot from the back corner of a bedroom or from the top of a chair looking down into a chaotic living room — the Where’s Waldo shot.
Going wide can also satisfy you creatively if you choose to leave some negative space in your frame. If you’re not sure what that means, no worries, I have a bit on composition below.


When in doubt, I always go for the portrait. Lucky for me, I live with three very handsome men that I love to put in front of my lens. I also have a lot of visitors and don’t mind asking them to sit for me. Lastly, I try to sprinkle myself through my 365 too. If it’s been a while I’ll get in front of the camera and play. Self portraiture, don’t skip it! If you notice you’ve never been in a photo or it’s been a few weeks it means it’s time for you to set up to be in a shot!


My memory says this is your basic shot, but even so, it doesn’t need to be average. I try to take perspective into account for shooting medium and allow myself to get creative with my angle when I can. Changing your angle, even slightly can give a totally different feel to you medium shot.


Going into 2020, action/movement is one of my biggest visual elements that I’d like to incorporate into my work. What gives a photo more interest than movement? It’s a perfect way to capture a moment, a feeling.. whether it’s energy or excitement. Action is life!

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“Oh no. It’s only week two and I’m already taking a photo of my water glass in the morning.”
- One of the ladies in my first 365 group

We’ve all been there, for real! And the good part is you have 365 photos, so by all means, take the picture of your water glass… but then check out these tips because you’ll need to spice it up if you want to make it the whole year!

First thing you can do is head over to Google and type in ‘Rules of Photography Composition’ and check out some of the results that come up.
Pick one of the rules and focus on it for an entire week. They’ll explain what it is and it really helps to have something to “look for” when you pick up your camera than to wander around aimlessly.
Although I don’t knock wandering around aimlessly, because that’s typically what I was doing when I took my favorite photographs. Maybe you’ll get a great shot, maybe you’ll get an average shot, maybe you’ll capture something portfolio worthy. You just never know… but honestly that’s what makes it fun.

Another way to create some ideas would be to actually sit down and brainstorm. Why are you doing this project? What is it that you really want to remember?
Do you smile to yourself every time your toddler puts his clothes on inside out and backwards? Is it the way the light hits your wall your bedroom in the fall? Is it your grandmother’s hand? Your pups footprint in the snow? (or sand for my Hawaii friends ;P)

I’ve documented everything from the start of my grey hair (it’s coming in hot by the way, WTH!), to the nursery with a rocker (knowing it would only last a few short months), to big moves across country! A 15 minute brainstorm session could give you a month’s worth of ideas!

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Lastly, and this is the most important, if I could share one thing with you, it’s to not be afraid to take a bad photo. Or a week of bad photos.
If I’ve learned anything from any of the amazing teachers in my life, it’s that you need to make a lot of bad or okay stuff to make the heart sing stuff. Don’t over think it and don’t let it stump you.

Just keep going.

Alright, I think that’s everything!

Please please let me know if you have any questions and I’ll be here rooting and posting and wishing you all an awesome 2020!


2019 in 36 Photos / Making a Home

Oodalalee, another year has come and gone.

I have to laugh reading my blurb from 2018 — about looking forward to a low key year. I have two dudes under three and Tom had hip surgery, twice!
It was not low key.
It was wildly challenging — but we did it. We made it. And of course, looking back at the photos, I’m reminded of what a beautiful year it was.

2019 was packed with visitors, trips, milestones, firsts and lasts. It was good.

I look optimistically at 2020 and of course, I’ll be here, documenting along the way.


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This photo recap was created by taking three photos from each month of my 365 project - gosh it’s hard to choose! It was my second year completing one and I just sent it off to the printer!

Wishing you many blessings in 2020!

Here We Go Again! | 365 Photo Project - FAQ

On January 1st, 2018 I started taking a photo every single day.

I haven’t stopped.

Life goes fast. You know that.

A lot of times the days blur together.. weeks to months to years.
Add growing and raising small humans and it’s like pushing fast forward.

Starting a 365 project is such a good way to slow down, even for a minute each and every day.
Your details, your memories, your life! It’s all so important.

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Have you ever thought about doing your own 365?

If you’re up for it, I’d love for you to join me in 2020!

Throughout the year I get a lot of questions, so I did a FAQ to dish it all below.
If I missed something, send me a message! Also, I’d also love to know if you’re on board — so please, leave a comment at the end of this post!


What exactly is a 365 Project?

Taking (at least) one photograph every single day for the entire year, 365 days. Compiling the photographs in a blog or album. Honestly, you make the rules, but that’s the gist. Some people are strict, while others are pretty lenient! It’s totally up to you!

How did you get started?

At the end of 2017, I had just completed a Shooting in Manual online photography course. One of the other students asked if I wanted to join her 365 photo group.
I figured there was no better way to learn my camera than to commit to shooting every single day! It was a big time of transition in our lives which was also a draw, to document it all.

Why do a 365?

I don’t want to forget a thing! So much has already changed since day one.
Family memories are the most important to me.. I also appreciate the opportunity to practice my craft and be more observant of the magic of life happening around me!
Really, it’s a way to hold onto special moments and to remember little details, feelings and places.

Have you ever missed a day?

Yes, I have missed two so far! Both times, taking a photo just completely slipped my mind. There was nothing special going on that day, just spaced it. I didn’t even miss when I was in labor, lol! I’ve also accidentally deleted a couple days. On all occasions I just drew photos from other days. No stress.

Oh! And I’ve had plenty days where I shoot after 9pm because I just forget. It sure forces you to get creative and I like that!

Do you need a DSLR camera? What do you use?

Most definitely not. I know people that have done one with their DSLR cameras, their phones or a mix of both. Personally I use my Canon 6D DSLR for every photo, every time. Mostly because this is my craft and art I chose and because I print a big book at the end of the year. There’s no right or wrong, It’s up to you. More about printing below!


Do you ever get behind?

Oh yes.. but I try my hardest not to because it’s a pain. I’ll keep my camera on the counter and shoot everyday only uploading every few days or so. I don’t like to get even a week behind! I usually remember what was taken on what day but as soon as I upload to Lr it shows the capture date which makes keeping track easy!

Do you ever run out of things to photograph?

This is by far the most frequently asked question. No, I never do! I usually have ideas a week out, honestly!

Have you ever taken a break?

I’ve gotten lazy, sure. I’ve gotten busy… but I always keep shooting.

How do you print the photos at the end of the year?

I upload my photos into the BookWright app I downloaded from Blurb.com on my desktop computer. It’s easy to print at the end of the year because I frequently upload and save.* Since I shoot with my DSLR and edit in Lightroom it’s a pretty easy workflow.
I do the 10x8 hardcover and I’m happy with the quality. I think it got it printed last year, with the 40% off coupon for about $90!

I do know people that have shot completely on their cellphone and upload their photos to the Chatbooks app and print a 365 book with them! They have 3 different sizes up to 366 pages soft and hardcover. I can’t say about the quality because I’ve never used them but it looks like a great easy option if you’re using your phone!

*Whatever print/storage service you use, make sure it supports at least 365 pages. Not all books do that many pages.
*Wait for a good coupon before printing. Blurb offers 40% off every so often so I wait until they offer and then print!

Alright, I think that covers everything. Again, if you have any questions, please let me know!

Happy creating and the best of luck!!

September in Review | Let the Settling Begin!

Sweet September.

Warm days, cool days and the wind down of summer.

It was the first full month in our new house and as you can tell by the tardiness of my post, it was a busy one. (Will I ever not say that?)

We took the time to really settle into this place and dang that felt good. It was the first time we’ve had a chance to do so since we were in Hawaii at the beginning of the year!

All of our boxes are unpacked and I actually organized my kitchen! There are still so many projects to do, I’ll putz forever, but as of now, it feels like home.

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One of the things that made September was going to the Renaissance Festival with my aunt. It has been so long since I’ve had a chance to go and it’s so fun to get lost in the magic. My all time favorite festival for sure!

My hubby picked up a work car which has made life so much easier already! With my appointments increasing to weekly, this felt so necessary!

The start to our 5 weekend of visitors began this month and it was everything I hoped it would be. I love being close to our family!

32 weeks pregnant!

32 weeks pregnant!

Soaking up every minute before the summer fades to fall.

We’re here, in Minnesota. Settling in a house. Preparing for baby and just taking a big exhale.

I almost feel ready to start reflecting on the year, what a year it’s been, but we still have a little living to do. Hope you are all enjoying the small moments and taking time to exhale in your own way.

Thanks so much for reading,


June in Review | Al... most... there!

I thought maybe I'd be starting this month's review with news of a home purchase or a move to Minnesota, but we're just not quite there yet. I am certain though, that July will be our month to shake things up. This could truly be the calm before the most hardcore storm yet!

Things in Arizona have been hot but good. We've truly adjusted to the mainland well and I'm so grateful for that... that doesn't mean we haven't been antsy. I know I am going to look back at this time and wish maybe I would have just relaxed and enjoyed our down time a bit more. We're just so incredibly ready to unpack our boxes in a house and start getting settled. So ready. Patience, Elyse'.

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My last bump photo of the month was at 18 weeks. I've reached the point in my pregnancy where although my bump is growing rapidly I feel pretty normal. I have energy again and that has been the best gift. Almost halfway to baby! Gender appointment is coming up... the question is, do we wait or find out!

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Our little George has been keeping us on our toes this month. Besides being incredibly curious and absolutely adorable.. his temper is emerging and do I dare say a glimpse of the terrible twos? Melt downs for no reason, hollering at the top of his lungs when he wants something that just isn't possible.. stuff like that. My patience is being tested in so many ways this month! Add pregnancy hormones and I'm telling you, I have moments that I am just getting by!

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We've never been closer to being home... or having a home. I know that the next life stage is right around the corner. We're opening and closing chapters (MN, AZ, HI, family growth etc.), exploring all opportunities (job changes, location changes etc.) and having some tough conversations along the way (maybe when things didn't play out as we first expected).
It's not always easy but it's growth and no matter what I know we'll make it through.

Thank you guys for reading. I'm so grateful for the gift of photography and this 365 group that I'm a part. It forces me to pause along the way during a whirlwind of a time.
As you know, I'm part of a blog series of talented photographers all over the US -- please click through to see their work and what they've been up to this summer. Up next is KRIS!

Living in Limbo // May Recap

It's been a nice first month back on the mainland! I thought for sure I'd be having Hawaii withdrawals by now but I'm doing pretty good!

On May 1st I found myself making the drive up to northern Minnesota. We were only home for 6 days and our main focus was house hunting! It was so hectic and went by quickly! This past week we were signing a purchase agreement so as long as all goes well we just may have found a home!

TG loving life on the trampoline with is cousin Coco Mae! The air was crisp, the sun was shining and being surrounded by family felt so right!

TG loving life on the trampoline with is cousin Coco Mae! The air was crisp, the sun was shining and being surrounded by family felt so right!

Our little chia seed is now the size of a pear and this pregnancy is flying by! At the end of this month I'll be 15 weeks pregnant.
When I was pregnant with Thomas George it felt like it took forever to get to this point... but right now I feel like I just found out.
Yesterday I asked the hubby to dig out my maternity clothes. Does it get more real than that?

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A little piece of Mesa, Arizona

A little piece of Mesa, Arizona

I'm so grateful we had the opportunity to slowly transition to the mainland. This time in AZ was relaxing and allowed me to gather myself before making our (hopefully) final move.
But I'm ready.
I'm so ready to unpack and get settled.
The road life is starting to get to me, starting to get to all of us!

When you hear from me next month, I hope there is a photo of us standing on the stoop of the new Jokinen house -- ready to be made a home.

Fingers crossed.

The photos in this post are part of a 365 project that started January 1st. I've taken a photo a day, every single day. I could never have stayed motivated doing it on my own and have relied heavily on the support of the brilliant group I'm a part of. You can click here to see some work of the other talented photographers in the group starting with Alyssa!