Remember to Dip a Toe in 2020

It all started with a harmonica my son got in his Christmas stocking.

He was excited and eager but didn't have a clue what to do. I attempted to show him, but trust me, I wasn't the one to do it, so I pulled up a video online so he could see what it was all about.

One simple google search and there were pages and pages and pages of results. Lessons, tutorials, classes and how-tos. Beginners, intermediate and masters -- any and all ages.

And as I played a couple songs for my son, picturing him as the next Bob Dylan, all I could think about was how we can so easily learn about anything. Absolutely anything.

And that's so cool, isn't it? That we can pick any topic, walk to the edge and dive in, head first.

When it comes to exploring creatively -- the opportunities are endless.

Dip a toe.

You've got nothing to lose.

- Elyse’

I’m waist deep, as we speak, in digital collage art. As someone who has literally dipped all of my toes in something different, it feels good to be progressing. I might be going under with this one! Combining my photographs with other elements to finally complete my thoughts.

Skillshare is my companion into the night and I’m currently watching Marcos Morales’s classes on digital collage. Neat stuff.

Anyways, as always, I’d love to hear about what you’re exploring in 2020 so I can root you on! I hope this year blesses you beyond!


Only One Thing I'm Focusing On This Year

Let’s cut straight to it.

I don’t have time for mega resolutions, at least not this year.

But I’ve always loved the fresh feeling of January 1st.

So this year, I’m going to chase one thing and focus.

One thing.


Life happens fast. Throw in a husband, two babies and a dog that’s like another baby, it feels like life doesn’t stop.

But there’s magic.

Everywhere. All around.

And I believe in it with my whole heart.

But I want to see it, more.

Details are everything.

Like this photo I took this fall.

It’s amazing, really.

The way the light hits the leaves outside my window. For only about an hour or so in the morning. Only on days when there isn’t cloud cover. Only for about a week when the leaves are a fiery burnt red-orange.

I never want to be too busy or too lost in my day to miss something like this.

So there we have it. I want to observe more in 2020. See the things that make the magic.

untitled (1 of 1).jpg

What do you always notice during your day? What is the kind of magic you’re drawn to? Is it the light, the colors, the emotion?

If you’ve never noticed stuff like this, that’s ok. There is no better time to start.
Why not today?

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