How to Create Through The Chaos | Take + Make Time

It’s 7:08am — I’m helping my insistent toddler pick out the edges of the puzzle he’s going to attempt before breakfast. My little guy just yelled to me from the bathroom that he needs a wipe. Finn pup is standing behind me whimpering because he is ready to be fed. After I pour food in his bowl, I turn around to review my heavily packed calendar on the fridge. Then my mind drifts…

Is it possible to create through the chaos?

I’ve been thinking about this question a lot lately.

I’m always on the move and my mind, well — it runs. It runs like A/C on a sweltering day in July.

Creation, for me, has always happened during quiet moments. Focused moments. Moments of solitude where I have time, space and good music playing softly in the background.

So when this summer took off, my creative practice got the back burner. With the boys no longer napping and both of them going to bed later each night, time to create felt like a thing of the past. I got so frustrated waiting for quiet that I was forced to find another way.

So, is it possible to create through the chaos?

YES. YES, it is. This blog post is proof — but it takes a bit of discipline to do so.

Here’s two things that have been working for me:
1. Simplify
2. Take (and make) what you can get


I’ve always wanted to do it all. Create collage, shoot photography, edit those photos, read a million books at once, write blogs and so on.
In order to get anything done, simplicity is necessary. Choosing one thing to focus on really helps me.
I also frequently remove tasks that don’t fit my vision. Sometimes when I shoot photography I’ll choose two photos to edit out of 50 that I’ve taken. Is it hard to pick only two? Incredibly hard but that’s the art of it. You have to be able to cull your tasks like you are culling photos.
Go with your gut and be confident in your decision.

Take (and make) what you can get

Secondly, you have to take and make time. This part was the hardest for me because, like I said above, I like to be sitting at my desk in a quiet room with music on to make stuff. That’s just not realistic for me right now and I’ve been pushing myself to do the best with what I have.

The discipline comes when you’re tempted to reach for your phone but pick up your sketchbook instead. It’s keeping a notebook handy when you’re playing at the park with your kids to jot down a good blog post idea. It’s writing during the 20 minutes between getting home and starting dinner. Taking time during small moments in the day to generate and spark ideas.

Now, after you go through your day taking little pockets of time to create, what do you do with it all? This is were you have to make time. For me, that looks like setting my alarm for 5am. This is my biggest secret!

Rising at 5am has been the game changer. It gives me time to sit with all of the puzzle pieces I’ve collected during the day and put them together.
I get a workout in, read a bit, finish blogs and even make art!

I’ve realized there are just too many demands during the day and if I rise at 5am I have about and hour and a half to myself before the sound of little feet come running down the stairs.

You are worth it! XO

Oh, The Magic You Hold

Oh, The Magic You Hold

BAD APPLES - Analog Collage Collection

Society puts a lot of pressure on women to be a certain way. In ‘Bad Apples,’ the analog collage series, I work to shatter the negativity associated with choosing a different path. Using paper, old book pages and glue — I create art that proudly tells a different story.

This collection reminds us that there’s beauty in who you are, no matter what you’re told to be.
It represents freedom, femininity, equality and yes, a bit of magic.

On the Road & In Flight are a part of the first collage show with PxP Contemporary. You can purchase either of those straight from their website. The remaining 11 pieces are for sale right on my website. You can shop both by clicking on the buttons below.

Thank you so so much for being here and checking out my work. I appreciate you!

On the Road, Original Collage 8x10, 2020Available for purchase on PxP Contemporary

On the Road, Original Collage
8x10, 2020

Available for purchase on PxP Contemporary

In Flight, Original Collage 8x10, 2020Available for purchase on PxP Contemporary

In Flight, Original Collage
8x10, 2020

Available for purchase on PxP Contemporary

Believe It, Original Collage 6x6, 2020

Believe It, Original Collage
6x6, 2020

Electric, Original Collage 6x6, 2020

Electric, Original Collage
6x6, 2020

Skin, Original Collage 8x10, 2020

Skin, Original Collage
8x10, 2020

Out, Original Collage 6x6, 2020

Out, Original Collage
6x6, 2020

Pieces, Original Collage 6x6, 2020

Pieces, Original Collage
6x6, 2020

Feel It, Original Collage 6x6, 2020

Feel It, Original Collage
6x6, 2020

Held, Original Collage 8x10, 2020

Held, Original Collage
8x10, 2020

Storm, Original Collage 6x9, 2020

Storm, Original Collage
6x9, 2020

Solitude, Original Collage 6x9, 2020

Solitude, Original Collage
6x9, 2020

No, Thank You, Original Collage 5x7, 2020

No, Thank You, Original Collage
5x7, 2020

Taller, Original Collage 5x7, 2020

Taller, Original Collage
5x7, 2020

MORNING PAGES - A Practice Worth Starting

I’ve been promising a post on morning pages for a good month now. When my pen ran out of ink this morning as I was scribbling away in the faint light coming from my closet, I knew it was time.

I grabbed a new pen, and in my notebook, this post wrote itself.

That’s the magic of Morning Pages.

So what exactly are Morning Pages?

Morning pages, a beloved ritual of creatives all over the world, is from the book The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron.
Upon waking in the morning, you grab your notebook and pen and you write. And write. And write.
It’s a stream if conciousness filling three whole pages.
You pretty much let whatever you think/feel come to the surface and snatch it up, it and write it down.
It doesn’t need to be poetic or artsy or even mean anything.
You can write about your week, why you’re pissed off or a wild dream you have for the future. You can write a to-do list, a rant on your president or all of the magic that has touched your life to this moment.
As long as your clearing out all of the junk from your mind, you’re doing it right.

Trust me, when the kids were waking me up, fussing, at 4:30am each morning I wasn’t writing anything positive for the entire first page. But it was a good way to get it out and I really did feel better starting the day.

Lately, The boys have been sleeping in a bit and I’m up before the house. With my hubby so cutely sleeping next to me, that half hour of writing is truly one of the most peaceful, productive and creative, parts of my entire day.

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Do I need to do them in the morning?

Cameron says that morning is best (because you can access your subconscious right as you wake), however you can do them anytime. I was just listening to a podcast and the host said she did hers midday. I’ve tried it and if you have kids I don’t recommend it. LOL

I have done them at night a couple times and felt really good about them. I’ve even started them in morning and finished at night which is probably not what you’re supposed to do but anything to get them done and keep me going.

What if I can’t think of anything to write?

Well, for me, I never run out of things to write, maybe it’s connected to the fact that I never run out of things to say, either! LOL Sometimes you pause but man, trust me, things come up. Allow them up. Allow them out.
You must fill three pages. If you’ve never done them before, you’re going to be so surprised!

Alright, I think that’s what I have to say about your morning pages so don’t wait! Grab a good notebook, your favorite pen, write the date and place it next to your bed.

If you can somehow make the extra 30 minutes, I promise you it’ll be worth it!!

If I missed anything, drop a question in the comments or better yet, grab The Artist’s Way and make your way through it with me!

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